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At Between the Two Rivers, we are dedicated to better understanding the problems we face in our community. We have a number of ongoing projects and in this section you can find links to the corresponding reports.  
We hope you will find these interesting and insightful.

Seedpod Trials

November 2023

This trial was led by our Upstream Coordinator, Ainsley Harte, and kindly funded by Pan Pac Environmental Trust. Project partners were Envico Technologies and Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC). The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of "seed pods" dropped via drone in revegetating cyclone-damaged hillside in the Hawke's Bay with native plant species.


We are excited to say that the trial has had a promising start with germination evident only two months after the seed pods were dropped.

Thank you to Graeme Fountaine and Tom Lane for allowing the trial to take place on their properties and the rest of the community for their support. After further observation to confirm the viability of this solution, we hope to roll this out to the wider community. 

Please click the button below to read the full report. We trust that you will find it interesting and insightful. 

Lake Runanga Water Testing Project

December 2023

Water samples were collected from Rūnanga Lake in December 2023 using sampling kits provided by the Environmental Protection Agency and examined for environmental DNA (eDNA) by Wilderlab in Wellington. eDNA provides a snapshot of organisms recently in contact with water, identified from fragments of their DNA. 

Some interesting findings from the study included, numerous species of phytoplankton and zooplankton being identified by eDNA many of which are associated with poor water quality. Furthermore, Wilderlab classified Rūnanga Lake as ‘very poor’. This is consistent with previous classifications based on low clarity, high nutrient concentrations and sparse macrophytes. Several animal, invertebrates and fish species DNA was also identified. Most surprisingly, a freshwater jellyfish that arrived from China in the 1950s was detected for the first time.

Please click the button below to read the full report. 

Additional Resources 

Water Monitoring Info Sheet

September 2024

Summary Draft Engineering Report Tonkin & Taylor - Ohiti Stopbank Project 

June 2024

Ohiwia and Waitio Meeting Minutes

March 2024

Invitation to Councillors

August 2023

Slides From Mahi Tahi Meeting

September 2023

Shanley Road Esplanade Reserve

November 2023

Taihape Road Stopbank February 2024 Meeting

February 2024

Committee Nomination Form 

August 2024

Predator Management Workshop Debrief

Ohiwia and Waitio Strategy and Action Plan 

April 2024

Record of the Community Meeting at Pukehāmoamoa School 

August 2023

Mahi Tahi Meeting Minutes

September 2023

Mahi Tahi Meeting Minutes

December 2023

Soil Management Workshop Handout

August 2024

Draft Engineering Report Tonkin & Taylor - Ohiti Stopbank Project 

December 2023

Road Repair Schedule

July 2023

The Mahi Tahi Report

September 2023

Mahi Tahi Meeting Minutes

November 2023

Taihape Road Stopbank November 2023 Meeting

November 2023

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